Your Pathway to Independence

Case Studies

Below are real examples of how Chessel Support Services helped adults with complex needs achieve independent living.


Chloe moved into our residential service in Chessel Avenue in 2010. Chloe was a young lady that had been in a secure hospital setting for a few years. When she came to us she was institutionalised, had not been undertaking any daily living skills herself and had a lack of confidence. She didn’t speak much to anyone and sat with her head down.

Chloe was at Chessel Avenue for 2.5 years. During that time our staff worked with her, gaining her trust – and then slowly started to work with her to improve her confidence.

She had a chance to work on her independence living skills, cooking, cleaning, budgeting and accessing the community.

We were thrilled when Chloe’s skills developed to the point that she was ready to move into a supported living environment. Chloe moved with a team she was familiar with. She is now out of residential care, holding her own tenancy in her home in the community. This is a fabulous step and its been a wonderful achievement to support her on her pathway to independence.


Tara came straight into one of our supported living services in Southampton. Tara had spent her whole life living with her parents and felt that it was time to move out and gain some independence. Tara came to our service for 18 months. In that time staff worked with her to help her learn to do her own washing and to cook. She worked hard with the staff on managing her money and learning to pay bills.

Tara now has moved on to her own flat with no support at all, living completely independently in the community.