Your Pathway to Independence

Our Services

Chessel Support Services provides bespoke care packages to adults with complex needs, working with them to enable them to reach their full potential. This includes maximum access to the community whilst effectively managing risk.

Makaton Cards

With a track record of success in delivering an effective person-centred approach at Chessel Avenue, Chessel Support Services is able to offer people the chance to live in their own homes with care packages tailored to their needs. Support is offered to clients either 24/7, or at certain times of the day and/or week in surroundings of their choice. Our highly qualified and experienced support workers, team leaders and managers make this possible.

How We Meet Care Needs

Ensuring that the high standard of care that Chessel is already recognised for is maintained throughout the service in a person-centred manner, each and every client will be able to have their needs met in surroundings that they have chosen.

All staff work with individuals to identify their needs and their preferences for activities and also with the individuals’ named keyworkers to identify the most appropriate facility for that individual (e.g. gym, college, dance class etc). This is accomplished with the assistance of an individual’s community team to build comprehensive and complete risk assessments. This process identifies risk whilst allowing positive risk-taking to occur, ensuring that individuals are able to achieve their maximum potential.


Chessel Support Services actively encourages residents to maintain their social networks and activities. The residents’ support plan includes a facility for recording their life history, social networks and contacts, as well as preferences for activities and hobbies. This ensures that staff are aware of these and able to offer residents access to those networks and activities which are appropriate and desired. The policy of the home is that activities and networking support are a part of normal daily living, so support for access will be available at all times.

Privacy and Dignity

We aim to respect our client’s privacy and dignity at all times. residents are encourages to speak to their Key Worker or Registered Manager if their privacy or dignity is not being respected.

Our Promise to You
  • Your dignity is a matter of prime importance to us and all staff receive training in this area.
  • You will be asked by what name you wish to be addressed, and these names will be recorded on your support Plan and used by all staff.
  • You are perfectly entitled to ask that your principal carers use one name, and others use another name.
  • The level of familiarity is under your control.
  • In the absence of information to the contrary, staff will address you formally, using your title and surname.
  • Staff are trained to be sensitive to your feelings when in company. For example, should you need help with any daily activity, such as eating, you will be offered privacy and sensitivity in order that you are not embarrassed.